Friday, April 27, 2012

I am very excited to say that we have an update to post already!!  We just heard from Bethany that our dossier has been translated to Spanish and was delivered to Los Pisingos today!  Los Pisingos will now review the dossier.  We are waiting for the official word that the we are registered with Los Pisingos.  This will hopefully only take a couple of weeks.  At that point, we will be put on the waiting list.  I will send you another update as soon as I have one!

Thanks to everyone who has shared their kind thoughts since our original posting.  We really appreciate your thoughts and prayers!


  1. YAY!!! That is soo exciting!!! I can't believe how fast that went! We are very excited for you!

  2. Awesome! Praying all will go well and continue to go quickly.
