Monday, November 26, 2012

Knowing God's Will

Some of you may have heard by now that the last few weeks have been difficult ones for us.  We heard that our adoption house in Colombia, Los Pisingos, has been shut down.  At this time, we don't know if this is a temporary or permanent shut down.  All we really know is that the government stepped in and took all approved applications from Los Pisingos.  Our application is now in the government system, ICBF, and will stay there unless we direct them to do something else with it.  It is possible to adopt from Colombia directly through ICBF, but the wait times are significantly longer than through a private adoption house.  If we leave our application with ICBF we are looking at a 3-4 year wait.  If we do not want to stay with ICBF, we can either request to have our application transferred to a different adoption house (although all adoption houses are currently full and not accepting new applications) or request to have our application transferred back to Los Pisingos if and when it re-opens.

So, that leads us to the title of the post - knowing God's will.  We have had other bumps in the road but this was the first time that the news affected us so deeply.  It really made us think about the decisions that we have made.  Are we following God's will?  A very wise woman (you know who you are) told us that when a door is closed, we will be smart enough to know that we should think about whether or not we are following God's will.  The closure of Los Pisingos seems like a pretty big door closing.  We are still hopeful that this is only a temporary closure but our choice to adopt from Colombia has become even more of a matter for prayer in the last few weeks.  We met with our caseworker this afternoon and our conversation reminded us why we chose international adoption originally and reaffirmed the decision in our hearts, at least for the time being.

We have not received much in the way of updates from our adoption agency yet, but as soon as we know more we will post an update.

On a lighter note, several weeks ago I picked out fabric for our crib bedding.  We have really been trying to be deliberate about not buying things for the baby until we have more certainty, but one of Rich's aunts, Aunt Lois, is going to be sewing our crib bedding for us.  She was in town this past weekend so we gave it all to her.  Now we just have to wait and see how it all looks when it's put together!  Here is a picture of some of the fabric.  Ignore the black and white at the top and bottom of the picture - this is just the bedding from our guest room in the background. :) We're using bright oranges, greens, teals, and gray for our nursery colors.

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